Evaluating the Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies on Singapore’s Road Safety Regulations


  • Nathan Daniel Brooks National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Trueman Gale National University of Singapore, Singapore


Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), road safety regulations, Singapore, urban mobility, technological advancement


This paper investigates the impact of autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies on Singapore’s road safety regulations, leveraging a mix of literature review, policy analysis, and data evaluation. Singapore, a frontrunner in smart transportation, faces unique challenges and opportunities in integrating AVs into its urban fabric. Our analysis highlights the adaptability and responsiveness of Singapore’s regulatory framework to the emerging AV landscape, pinpointing areas where further adjustments are necessary. The findings suggest that while Singapore has made strides in accommodating AVs, ongoing regulatory evolution is essential to harness their full potential for enhancing road safety and mobility. This study offers insights into the complexities of regulating AVs, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that supports innovation while ensuring public safety.




How to Cite

Nathan Daniel Brooks, & Trueman Gale. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies on Singapore’s Road Safety Regulations. tudies in aw and ustice, 3(1), 40–45. etrieved from https://www.pioneerpublisher.com/slj/article/view/721


